
Academic integrity is a high priority for all teaching and learning at RWU. All students admitted to RWU are assigned a unique RWU User ID and password. 在我们的 可接受使用政策 students agree not to share this identity with others or try to gain access to another’s account. 除了, RWU adheres to FERPA regulations that protect student privacy while allowing verification of identity by instructors.

学术规范 & 需求



We, the students of Roger Williams University, commit ourselves to academic integrity. 我们承诺追求学术生活的最高理想, 用最严格的标准挑战自我, 在任何学术努力中都要诚实, 以负责任和光荣的方式行事, 在我们共同生活和工作时相互支持.


罗杰威廉姆斯大学的存在是为了培养对学习的成熟追求, which is premised upon the exercise of mutual trust and honest practice when representing data, 在学术练习中使用的发现和思想来源. The University expects students to observe these principles of academic integrity that ensure the excellence of their education and the value of their diploma.

Examples of breaches of academic integrity include but are not limited to:

在面对面的课堂上, there is no policy that requires an instructor to confirm the identity of each student who attends his/her classes each day. Spot checks of identity using RWU Photo ID cards or other official forms of identification can be used during proctored exams to verify that the name on the test matches the name and photo on the ID card.   In some in-person classes, attendance is checked using sign-in sheets or visual identification.  However, nothing prevents a student who is not enrolled in a class from entering a classroom. RWU policy also states that a student is not permitted to audit or take a class for credit without formally enrolling, and an instructor has the authority to ask any unauthorized person to leave the classroom.

RWU does have a high-stakes testing center on the Metro campus where students must show a photo ID and are proctored by a person during their test however this center is used primarily for certification testing.

RWU does recognize that online courses and programs require additional procedures to ensure that the student registered for the course is the person doing the work. RWU provides student ID photos as part of the course rosters available through the portal and also implemented the Citrix GoToMeeting/GoToTraining web conferencing program that can be used with students enrolled in synchronous online classes, or who participate in synchronous sessions as part of an asynchronous online course. Students are able to display their web camera images during the Citrix GTM/GTT session which allows the instructor to verify that the student matches up with the photo on record.  除了, all online courses are taught using 桥梁/Sakai, our Learning Management System (LMS). Unless a student is officially enrolled in an online class (according to the Student Information System) and logs into the LMS with the correct username and password, 他/她将被拒绝进入. 查看课程内容, 参加考试, 提交作业, and interacting with the instructor and classmates is therefore restricted. 除了, 桥梁/Sakai learning management system uses a secure LDAP (Lightweight 目录 Access Protocol) authentication which is controlled by IT administrators.  Sakai also has a sophisticated collection of tracking and reporting tools that allow us to identify the date and time when various course elements were accessed, 以及在每个课程领域花费的时间.

在面对面和在线课程中,教师可以, 由他们自行决定, ask students for additional information or documentation if they suspect plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty in work submitted by students; particularly work produced outside of class.

对于书面作品,RWU使用抄袭检测软件. RWU used Turnitin anti-plagiarism software for 10 years that built and accessed an institutional repository of work as well as checking all available Internet resources. Effective Fall 2106  the University transitioned to using  VeriCite anti-plagiarism however this also included migrating the entire institutional repository built under Turnitin so there was no loss of data.   Students use these tools to ensure that they are properly citing their references. Instructors use them to check for similarities between current student paper submissions and previously submitted student papers and other published works.

RWU有一个固定的学生 行为准则 (published in the Student Handbook) that deals with the issue of academic dishonesty. Students agree to this policy as one of the conditions of enrollment at RWU.